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Building materials

一、Application background of aluminum flux in building materials industry

Aluminum alloy as a kind of lightweight, high strength, good corrosion resistance material, in the building materials industry has a wide range of applications. As an important part in the production process of aluminum alloy, aluminum flux is of great significance for improving the quality and performance of aluminum alloy and reducing the production cost.

二、Aluminum flux solutions in building materials industry

1.Increase the melting temperature of aluminum alloy

Aluminum flux can effectively improve the melting temperature of aluminum alloy, promote the fusion and diffusion of metal particles, and thus improve the quality and performance of aluminum alloy. Common aluminum fluxes such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride, alumina and magnesium oxide are widely used in aluminum alloy production.

2.Promote the fusion and diffusion of metal particles

By increasing the melting temperature of aluminum alloy, aluminum flux makes it easier for metal particles to fuse and diffuse, thereby improving the uniformity and density of aluminum alloy. This is essential for the production of high-quality, high-performance aluminum alloy building materials.

3.Reduce production costs

Through the use of aluminum flux, the content of impurities and harmful gases in the production process of aluminum alloy can be reduced, and the quality of products can be improved, thus reducing the scrap rate and production costs. At the same time, aluminum flux can also improve the melting efficiency of aluminum alloy, shorten the production cycle, and further improve the production efficiency.

4.Optimize production process

In the process of aluminum alloy melting, the melting process can be optimized and the melting efficiency and quality can be improved by adding appropriate amount of aluminum flux. For example, the gas in the molten pool can be removed by adding degassing agent, and the physical and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy can be improved. The solidification process of aluminum alloy can be promoted by adding coagulant, and the mechanical properties and wear resistance of the product can be improved.

5.Environmental protection and energy saving

The use of aluminum flux can also promote environmental protection and energy saving. Some aluminum fluxes such as alumina and magnesium oxide have the characteristics of high melting temperature and good thermal stability, which can reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution.

三、Sum up

Aluminum flux plays an important role in the building materials industry, providing an effective solution for the building materials industry by improving the melting temperature of aluminum alloy, promoting the fusion and diffusion of metal particles, reducing production costs, optimizing production processes and environmental protection and energy saving. In practical applications, the appropriate aluminum flux should be selected according to the type of aluminum alloy, melting point and chemical properties and other factors, and correctly applied to give full play to its role.
