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The role of fluxes for purifying aluminum melt

Release time:2024-07-10      Number of clicks:59

The main function of the flux used in the purification of aluminum melt is to remove the slag (‌ impurity) ‌, ‌ to reduce the hydrogen content, ‌ to reduce the aluminum loss. ‌

In the secondary refining process of aluminum alloy smelting and casting, ‌ aluminum alloy granular flux is a new, ‌ fast, ‌ environmental protection additive. ‌ Compared with the traditional powdered flux, ‌ has obvious technical advantages and economic benefits. ‌ its main functions include: ‌

Removal of slag inclusion (‌ miscellaneous) ‌ : ‌ oxides and other solid particles that may be present in the aluminum melt can cause major defects in cast aluminum alloys, ‌ such as pores and slag inclusion. ‌ granular aluminum alloy flux can help remove these impurities ‌ thereby improving the quality of the melt. ‌

Reduce hydrogen content: ‌ aluminum is easy to form oxides with oxygen, ‌ is also easy to absorb gas, ‌ hydrogen content accounts for 70% to 90% of the total gas in aluminum melt. The hydrogen content in aluminum melt can be significantly reduced by refining and purifying ‌ granular aluminum alloy flux ‌. ‌

Reduce aluminum loss: ‌ In the smelting process, ‌ aluminum material is further oxidized in a high temperature environment, ‌ to produce alumina and hydrogen, ‌ to increase the content of oxide inclusion and gas. ‌ The use of flux purification treatment ‌ can effectively reduce the loss of aluminum liquid and impurity content. ‌

In summary, ‌ the flux used for aluminum melt purification treatment ‌ significantly improves the purity and quality of aluminum alloy melt through its specific chemical and physical effects, ‌ thus ensuring the performance and durability of aluminum alloy products.

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